Labneh is a thick, tangy, and super-satisfying yogurt spread. It is made similarly to Greek yogurt, by straining regular yogurt […]

Icebox Cheesecake
This recipe was my grandmother’s and she used to make this for us every time we came to visit. Unlike […]

Skimming the Surface: An Introduction to Dairy
There is SO MUCH to say about dairy. Milk and dairy products have been part of the human diet for […]

Yogurt Pancakes (Israeli Cheese Pancakes)
This is another recipe I grew up eating. It’s actually a popular dish during the Jewish holiday of Hanukah, but […]

4 Reasons to Quit Dieting (and What You Could Do Instead)
I have a confession to make. I used to be a compulsive dieter. Despite having a fairly normal body weight […]

Vegetarian Chopped Liver
Ok, this might seem like a weird one. Chopped liver is a common Ashkenazi Jewish food and is usually eaten […]

Chia Seed Overnight Oats
I discovered overnight oats a few years ago and ever since then it has been one of my favourite breakfasts. […]

Nuts in a Nutshell
I had a professor once who loved talking about how great nuts are. She told us that of all of […]

Understanding Food Labels
One thing dietitians often teach their clients is how to read and understand the labels on food products. This is […]

Vegetarian Bean and Barley Chili
This is a basic chili recipe that I’ve adapted to allow for the use of dried beans and pearled barley. […]